For this recipe, we are going to need garlic, vinegar, soy sauce, sugar, salt, and a jar.
First of all, peel and wash garlic carefully.
Secondly, clean your jar carefully and be extra careful that don’t get ANY OF OIL into it.
Thirdly,dry the garlic put the garlic into the jar, shake the jar several times during this procedure to get garlic close to each other.
After that, get a clean bowl, mix all the ingredients and put them in to the jar, make sure you got enough to cover all the garlic in the jar. (Make sure that bowl is clean, if there are any oil left, you ruined the whole thing.)
Usually you can leave the jar for a month then you can eat it, it has nice sweet and sour in it. If you also want some original garlic spicy flavor, two weeks is enough for you.
Because this is a family recipe so my mom do not really know and exact amount of ingredients. Basically you need one teaspoon of salt, two teaspoon of soy sauce, big amount of vinegar and sugar. When you are making the mixture, make sure you put in salt and soy sauce first, then you add big amount of vinegar to cover all the garlic, then add sugar at last to sweeten the mixture until you get the nice sweet sour flavor.